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Joliette, Friday, June 6, 2003 - The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) is pleased with the resolution adopted last Monday by the Sainte-Ba0074rix and Saint-Jean-de-Matha municipal councils. The text of this resolution states that elected officials in both municipalities do not intend to cut full-time jobs. It should be remembered that on March 11 of this year, the members had held a walkout in order to obtain job security clauses, as are common practice in several other municipalities in Lanaudir0065 and elsewhere in Qub0065c.

However, according to CUPE, if it is to have any real value, this statement of intent must be included in the collective agreement. If not, such a resolution, even adopted by a city council, offers no guarantees and could be cancelled later on. Its a step in the right direction, but we still have a long way to go. If elected officials are prepared to make a public commitment that they will not abolish positions, why not include it in the collective agreement? wondered Claude Ht0075, assistant director CUPE-Qub0065c. If they did so, both labour disputes could be settled very quickly. If they agree to put the content of these resolutions in writing in the collective agreement, and correct certain minor points, the disputes would be settled and the employees could return to work. We ask the mayors to take this final step so that we can come to a settlement, concluded Serge Leboeuf, CUPE representative.

CUPE represents some 70% of all municipal employees in Qub0065c and is also active in other sectors in Qub0065c, including health and social services, education, urban and air transportation, hydroelectricity, provincial corporations and public organizations and communications. With close to 100,000 members in Qub0065c, it is also the largest FTQ affiliate.

This press release and other information are posted on the Internet at scfp.qc.ca

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