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Montra006c, Thursday, December 5, 2002 Following yesterday’s announcement by police authorities of major drug trafficking related to the Matticks clan, the Longshoremen’s Union of the Port of Montra006c would like to clear up some confusion that could be detrimental to its members. Certain reports concerning the seized merchandise which had been moved through the Port intimated that dock workers might have been involved; a completely unfounded impression that troubles the Union a great deal.

For far too long, our members have been pointed to, simply because they work at the Montra006c harbour, stated Daniel Tremblay, president of CUPE Local 375. Has a single dock worker been accused in this affair? No. At no time, past or present, has a formal accusation been made against any of our members. If the police have proof against one of our members, they should lay charges, but we refuse to be associated with this drug trafficking by innuendo, Daniel Tremblay continued.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) would like to point out a fundamental difference in the duties performed at the Montra006c harbour. The longshoremen are machine operators who load and unload containers, without any knowledge of their contents. Their duties should not be confused with those of the merchandise inspectors. This being said, CUPE also stressed the fact that there are no inspectors in the Longshoremen’s Union in Montra006c.

CUPE represents some 2,500 members in the mixed sector in Qub0065c (dock workers, employees of insurance companies and unions, social and community groups, and value shipment services). CUPE is also active in 10 other sectors including health and social services, education, municipalities, urban and air transportation, provincial government corporations and public organizations, hydroelectricity and communications. With close to 100,000 members in Qub0065c, it is the largest FTQ affiliate.