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CUPE nursing home workers at Maple Hill Manor in New Waterford will hold a series of information pickets next week to highlight their current contract dispute.

CUPE National Representative Kathy MacLeod says, “The 60 members of Local 2765 have been frustrated with a round of local bargaining where the employer has tried to dismantle the provincial deal that’s already been negotiated by CUPE, and at the same time tabled concessions to seniority provisions.  Seniority is a cornerstone of a union contract so this has become a strike issue for us.”

Says MacLeod, “We expect the Conciliation Officer who has been assigned to our talks to file his report to the Labour Minister by the end of this week, which will put us in a legal strike position within 14 days.”

Local 2765 President Heather Fortune, meanwhile, says, “These employees do not want to withdraw their services, but we are dealing with an administrator who appears determined to attack our collective agreement. The labour relations climate at the Manor has staff morale at an all-time low.”

Fortune says the local has already held strike votes and the Bargaining Committee has a strong strike mandate from its 60 members. CUPE represents everyone other than LPNs and RNs at the facility.

The info pickets are scheduled as follows:

  • Monday, March 31 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am and 3:00pm to 4:30 pm
  • Wednesday, April 2 at the same times
  • Friday, April 4 at the same times

Local 2765 members will be handing out flyers to the public during those times. The Manor is at the corner of Beaton Ave. and King St. in New Waterford. 

For information:

Kathy MacLeod

CUPE National Rep.

(902) 578-3304 (m) 

Local 2765 President

Heather Fortune

(902) 304-6588 (m)

John McCracken

CUPE Communications Rep.

(902) 880-8057