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This year, CUPE marked World AIDS Day, December 1, by encouraging locals to write the prime minister to demand that Canada contributes our fair share to the UNs Global Fund to Fight AIDS.

The Equality Branch has produced a booklet called Disability Rights in the Workplace: Understanding Duty to Accommodate, in honour of the International Day for Disabled Persons December 3.

On December 6, CUPE members and staff in workplaces across the country took a moment to stop and remember our 14 sisters slain in Montreal on December 6, and recommitted ourselves to work for change.

CUPEs first Pride in CUPE workshops in the East, were held in St. Johns, Newfoundland on Nov. 2 and 3, and Sydney, Nova Scotia on Nov. 30, Dec. 1. The workshops were huge successes, and led to action plans and plans for more anti-homophobia education. Congratulations to everyone involved, including Sister Donalda MacDonald, the Pink Triangle Committee, the Union Development Department and Equality Branch.