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Opposing the privatization of hospital food services in Winnipeg paid off for workers when CUPE’s fightback assured public ownership of the new food distribution centre. On Thursday, September 24. it paid off for CUPE as we beat four other unions in the representation vote at the new workplace.

Seventy-nine of 92 voters chose CUPE among the five unions on the ballot. As a result, CUPE will represent 120 workers at the facility.

“This shows that fighting privatization and contracting out works. Workers know we’re fighting for quality jobs and quality services and the number of former members of other unions who voted for CUPE is proof of this,” said Lorraine Sigurdson, CUPE’s health care coordinator in Manitoba.

“We were the first union to fight this proposal and we fought it in an intelligent, creative way. Our campaign resulted in public ownership of the new, centralized food service. And we fought to ensure as many people as possible would be offered positions in the new facility.”

As a result of the vote, CUPE welcomes members of the MGEU, PSAC, IUOE and UFCW. Our next task after winning our third straight health care representation vote in Manitoba is to bargain a collective agreement that shows when we follow our work, our members will enjoy excellent representation.