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CUPE women from across the country will gather in Ottawa next month to look at new ways to mobilize women in defense of jobs and services.

The National Women’s Conference will examine the impact of privatization, restructuring and cutbacks on women - as public sector workers, as consumers of public services, as union activists, as citizens and taxpayers, and as the people who shoulder much of the burden for supporting family and community when services are cut.

The format of the conference has generated a great deal of excitement within CUPE. Using an innovative and dynamic approach, the workshops will provide lots of lively discussion about what’s happening and why - and what to do about it.

Members and local leaders will examine the attack on women’s rights and the gains we’ve made in the past. Then, they’ll look at what we can do in our workplaces and within CUPE, at the bargaining table, through our organizing efforts and at the ballot box to fight back.

The conference is scheduled from Friday November 13 to Monday November 16 in Ottawa. There’s still room to accommodate more delegates so locals are encouraged to take advantage of this important moment.

For additional information or to register, contact the Equality Branch at CUPE National (613) 237-1590. Or you can download a registration form from the CUPE Web site (www.cupe.ca).