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SYDNEY, NS Delegates to the CUPE Nova Scotia convention in Sydney this week have elected a new provincial president.

He is Danny Cavanagh, a municipal worker from Truro and president of Local 734. Cavanagh succeeds Betty Jean Sutherland, who served for several terms as president.

Also elected to represent CUPEs 15,000 members provincially are Karen MacKenzie as First Vice-President and Mike MacNeil as Recording Secretary. Darrell Gorman retains his seat as provincial Secretary-Treasurer.

Mike Mombourquette, the president of the CUPE Sydney District Council which hosted the annual convention says, It turned out to be a week of celebration for CUPE leaders from across the province.

It came on the heels of the huge win by school board workers in Cape Breton and across the province, with a breakthrough on the wage parity issue with the provincial government. The successful, three-week strike by members of Local 5050 here on the island really set the tone for the week.

Mombourquette says delegates also got a great taste of Cape Breton history and hospitality with a tour of the Miners Museum in Glace Bay, followed by a ceilidh featuring some top-notch, local musicians.

A raffle at the convention raised $350, which will be split by two local charities the Whitney Pier Youth Club and the Transition House.

Danny Cavanagh
President, CUPE Nova Scotia
(902) 895-2352 (Cell)

Mike Mombourquette
President, CUPE District Council
598-9557 (Cell)

John McCracken
CUPE Communications Rep.
(902) 455-4180 (o)