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OTTAWA, Ont. – CUPE national president Paul Moist and secretary-treasurer Claude Généreux will join members of Local 2424 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees and campus community supporters for a rally at 12:10 pm, Thursday, August 30, in the Tory Quad courtyard, outside the Tory Building on the campus of Carleton University. The rally is in support of 700 professional, office, technical and support staff who face a potential strike or lockout.

CUPE National President Paul Moist
CUPE National Secretary-Treasurer Claude Généreux
Members of Local 2424 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
Labour, Carleton campus community and other supporters

Rally in support of professional, office, technical and support staff at Carleton University, who face a potential strike or lockout

Thursday, August 30, 12:10 pm

Tory Quad courtyard, outside the Tory Building, Carleton University Campus, Ottawa, Ontario

The workers’ last contract expired on June 30, and they will be in a legal strike or lockout position at 12:01 am, September 5. If a deal is not reached in mediation, a strike would affect the university library, academic offices, mail, security, health and computer services, and students’ course changes after registration, as well as all office, technical and other support services. CUPE negotiators will meet the employer in mediation August 30 and September 4, but Carleton’s administration refused the union’s offer to continue meeting throughout the Labour Day weekend, August 31 to September 3, to try and avert a strike.

We’re facing a tough fight for a fair contract,” said CUPE national representative Susan Arab. “Carleton administration is offering our members less than half the raise they gave faculty earlier this year – a quick change in attitude on management’s side will be needed in order to reach a negotiated settlement. Just this week, we learned they won’t continue benefit coverage in the event of a strike or lockout, which is a common labour relations practice in Ontario.” Local 2424 is preparing for a strike, and CUPE national is making arrangements for continued benefit coverage in the event of a labour conflict.


For further information, please contact:

Susan Arab, CUPE National Representative: 613-237-0115 or 613-769-7553 (cell)
Robert Lamoureux, CUPE Communications: 416-292-3999