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BURNABY—May is Asian Heritage Month, a time for us all to acknowledge the long and rich history of British Columbia’s Asian peoples and their many contributions to our communities.

I encourage all CUPE members to take part in Asian Heritage Month events,” says CUPE BC president Barry O’Neill.

As the Workers of Colour conference in February reminded us, workers of Asian heritage have a very rich history and presence in British Columbia. They have contributed so much to our communities, and shown resilience in the face of injustice and racism, so we should all share in the celebration of their achievements.”

Throughout the month of May, several events are taking place throughout B.C. to celebrate Asian Heritage Month.

In the Lower Mainland, the Asian Canadian Labour Alliance (ACLA) is holding a potluck dinner meeting and movie night on Thursday, May 8. The ACLA provides a forum for Asian Canadian union members to connect, encourages the increased participation of Asian Canadian union members in the labour movement, and works to strengthen the relationship between labour and Asian Canadian communities.

On May 8 at 5:30 pm, bring your ideas and favourite potluck dish to the ACLA meeting at the BCGEU’s Lower Mainland Auditorium (4925 Canada Way, Burnaby). Those interested should RSVP to Laura Gibbons at 604.291.9611 or laura.gibbons@bcgeu.ca by May 6. More information about the ACLA can be found at: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=32665770332.

The ACLA dinner meeting will be followed at 7 pm by a screening of “Living in the Hyphen,” a film by Anne Marie Nakagawa that looks at seven different multi-racial Canadians—including award-winning poet Fred Wah—and gives voice to their “hybridized” experiences. The film challenges our assumptions about the “one ethnicity + hyphen + Canadian.” Light refreshments will be provided.

Meanwhile, the Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society, which sponsors the explorAsian festival, is celebrating its 12th Anniversary this year.

Visit the explorASIAN 2008 site (http://www.explorasian.org/festival_updates.html) for a complete list of events.

For more information on Asian Heritage Month, visit Canadian Heritage (http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/multi/asian-asiatique/index_e.cfm).

Contact: Dan Gawthrop, CUPE Communications, 604.291.1940