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Thursday, April 27th to Saturday, April 29th
Credit Union Place in Dauphin

DAUPHIN, MB – Public sector support workers represented by CUPE will meet in Dauphin next week for their 43rd Annual Convention.

According to Kevin Rebeck, President of CUPE Manitoba, “This year we want to feature what CUPE members are doing for their communities, what our members are doing to build strong communities. We provide the citizens of Manitoba with quality public services, but we are also neighbours, friends, taxpayers and volunteers.”

Speakers at the Convention on Thursday, April 27th are as follows:

Alex Paul, Mayor of Dauphin at 10:00 am
Gary Doer, Premier of Manitoba at 10:30 am
Darlene Dziewit, President of MFL at 11:30 am
Paul Moist, President of CUPE at 3:00 pm

and on Friday, April 28th:

Claude Généreux, CUPE Secretary-Treasurer at 1:20 pm

There will also be a commemorative ceremony to mark the Day of Mourning at Dauphin City Hall at 11:45 am. The event is intended to remember all public servants who have died in the performance of their work.


The Canadian Union of Public Employees is Canada’s largest union representing more than a half-million women and men. In Manitoba, CUPE represents 24,000 members working in health care facilities, school divisions, municipal services, social services, child care centres, public utilities, libraries and family emergency services.

For more information, contact:
Gloria Molnar, CUPE Manitoba – (204) 942-0343, ext. 286
Dennis Lewycky, CUPE Communications – (204) 942-0343 - Cell. (204) 223-6805