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The strategy wheel makes it easier to brainstorm about what your message will be and then to choose an appropriate catch-phrase or slogan. You want to make sure your slogan will be quickly understood by each audience in your wheel including something simple enough to be picked up by the media.

Put a few ideas down, e.g., Keep our kids safe! Our work makes our town work! Neighbours at work for you. Test them out by asking people their opinions. Elaborate campaigns sometimes use focus groups to do the same thing. Help to refine a slogan is available through CUPEs Communications Branch.

Think about your service, how our members feel about it and what it means to the public. Sewage treatment workers provide a critical early warning system for environmental hazards and public safety. Other CUPE members, such as social workers, nursing home and child care workers provide important services that make communities a better place to live.

Remember in choosing a slogan or theme for your campaign that it needs to connect with your audience. Your message should appeal to feelings rather than repeat facts. If there are layoffs at your school board the link to the public is likely to be the negative impact on the quality of their childrens education. If the city is privatizing its water, the link to the public is likely to be concerns over water safety or big water bills. Think of your audience and tailor your message to them.

In some places, youll want to communicate your message in more than one language. If youre in Ottawa or Moncton, for example, an English-only message wont connect with francophone members. If youre organizing a campaign to encourage your members to get involved and many of them speak Spanish, its probably a good idea to have information available in Spanish.

Seven Cs To Good Communication

When youre thinking of a message or slogan for a campaign, keep these seven Cs in mind. If you test your ideas against these goals, youre more likely to choose a winner.

  • Clear
  • Consistent
  • Concise
  • Compelling
  • Creative
  • Comprehensive
  • Credible