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TORONTO Equality Now, a Toronto-based human rights group, will rally outside the office of York West MP Judy Sgro tomorrow to encourage her to support her own governments legislation on same-sex marriage.

Judy Sgro has already voted against her party in favour of the Canadian Alliance motion to preserve the exclusive definition of marriage by any means necessary, said Fred Hahn, chair of CUPE Ontarios Pink Triangle Committee. We want her to know that she has constituents who support equality rights in marriage.

Equality Now has members from CUPE and other unions, as well as students from local universities and colleges, including York University, located in Sgros riding. The group held a demonstration in late August at the office of MP Dennis Mills, another Liberal who has expressed opposition to same-sex marriage.

What: Rally for Equality Rights

Who: Equality Now, Toronto-based rights group

Where: Judy Sgro, MP, Constituency Office
2201 Finch Avenue West

When: 5:00 p.m., Friday, October 17, 2003


For more information, please contact:
Fred Hahn, Chair
CUPE Ontario Pink Triangle Committee
416-979-9594 (office)
416-456-9116 (cell)