Four unions representing more than 200 members at the Centre d’hébergement de LaSalle (CHSLD) have come together today to denounce the toxic work environment at the facility, which has been ongoing for more than a year. They deplore the authoritarian and archaic management style reflected by humiliating and degrading comments, undue pressure to accept mandatory overtime, the constant skirting of collective agreements and the lack of what could aptly be described as labour relations.

They held demonstration in front of the facility on Wednesday from 11 am to 2 pm to send a jolt to the management of the Montreal-West Island CIUSSS, which oversees the CHSLD.

The four unions jointly issued the following statement:

“The CHSLD de LaSalle was one of the hardest hit long-term care centres during the darkest hours of the pandemic, as close to half of its patients passed away. The staff never really got over it, especially given the toxic work environment that still persists. Employees deserve to work in an environment where psychological health and safety is ensured.

The management of the CIUSSS has been well aware of the problem for more than a year, but it seems to be overwhelmed and is allowing it to continue.  It is feeding into the vicious circle of staff shortages, since this situation has prompted many employees to leave for a myriad of reasons – disability, resignations, leave without pay, changes in assignments, and so on.
In spite of the employees’ sense of duty and their best efforts, it is certain that this toxic environment has had a harmful effect on patients and their families. In light of the tragic events of 2020-2021, they are entitled to a sense of normalcy and top quality care and services.

We are therefore demanding that an emergency meeting be called between the management of the CIUSSS and our four unions to establish a far-reaching action plan accompanied by tight timeframes, which will resolve this unhealthy atmosphere. The management of the CHSLD must be revamped from top to bottom.”

The four unions involved are CUPE 2881, the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ), the Syndicat québécois des employées et employés de service (FTQ) and the Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS).