Every day, thousands of people across Windsor rely on services provided by Windsor Public Library workers. We foster a lifelong love of reading for kids and give overburdened parents a break. Library workers help students with research and homework, connect newcomers with vital services, and are a safe space for all members of our communities.
We know how much you value library services. You tell us so every day, and we’re grateful.
But the City of Windsor doesn’t share your values. They are talking about expanding Sunday opening, which is a good thing. But what they’re not telling you is that they’re planning on taking away hours from weekdays, the busiest times of the week. This change will impact many Windsor communities, especially those visitors who come to our spaces and programs when there is the greatest need for staffing and attention.
The City also wants Sunday shifts to be mandatory, meaning library workers will lose the important work-life balance they need to plan ahead for time with loved ones. We are concerned with staffing plans that would leave some libraries with only a single person working during breaks. This is coupled with a below-inflation wage increase offer even as essential goods and housing have become so expensive. We cannot agree to the City’s current proposals.
The need for public libraries is great, across all of Windsor. We have longstanding relationships with our fellow residents. We hear your encouraging comments about how much you appreciate our work. The City of Windsor should follow your lead. They should propose an agreement that respects library workers.
Library workers need your support. Tell your councillor that you value library services and want a fair contract for the workers who provide them, and a plan for Sunday openings that respects workers, and a fair wage increase to combat the cost-of-living crisis.