Delegates have passed a final version of CUPE’s action plan for 2015-17. The National Executive Board subcommittee presented revisions that integrate the debate on Strategic Directions over the past three days.

Our action plan focuses on building workers’ power to improve our workplaces and communities, and to build a better country – and world.

The needs of precarious and young workers were top priorities in the final debate Friday morning. Delegates spoke about the importance of winning full rights and stable, well-paying jobs for precarious workers. This work is a crucial step in removing barriers to participation in our union.

Connecting with members, building a more inclusive union, creating safe and healthy workplaces, and fighting privatization were common threads.

Other important themes included the need for ongoing political action at all levels, CUPE’s role in our collective leap to a low-carbon economy and good green jobs, and the importance of international solidarity in fighting globalized corporate power.

Our blueprint for the next two years includes a National Executive Board-led review of the National Strike Fund, to ensure members have the resources and support we need to fight back.

Friday’s debate included many calls for CUPE members to keep mobilizing and build even greater solidarity.

A copy of the final Strategic Directions paper will be mailed to every CUPE local, all convention delegates, and posted to