CUPE 1179, which represents school crossing guards in Quebec City, has sounded the alarm about violations by numerous cyclists and users of electric scooters. The union is quite concerned about the safety of its members, and by extension, the students. Every school day, many crossing guards have to deal with the dangerous and reckless behaviours of cyclists – driving at excessive speeds, going the wrong way, using sidewalks, zigzagging between the students crossing the street, displaying flagrant disregard of street signs, and so on. Some cyclists go even so far as to verbally attack crossing guards who ask them to slow down when students are crossing at the pedestrian crosswalk. 

The announced increase in the number of àVélo stations by Quebec City further worries the crossing guards, especially since several stations have been set up nearby schools. 

Several crossing guards have reported these dangerous incidents by calling 311, contacting the police or by informing those in charge of their departments, but no clear and sustainable results have been forthcoming. “As a union, we are directly calling on mayor Marchand and urging the city to take concrete and significant actions that will protect the safety of students and the crossing guards,” said Lucille Dignard, vice-president of CUPE 1179, which represents 273 members.