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The Ball Government is about to build two health care facilities in Corner Brook using public-private partnerships (P3s), even though auditor generals, researchers and journalists across Canada continue to report on P3 failures and the waste of taxpayers’ money.

Will these P3 deals be accountable, locally-controlled or a wise investment of tax dollars? Why would any provincial government rely on P3s with higher-cost private financing?

Let’s talk about it. Please join us on Monday evening for a public town hall.

WHAT: Town hall meeting to discuss financing of new health care facilities. The event, hosted by CUPE Newfoundland Labrador, will include a presentation followed by questions and answers.

WHO: Special presentation by guest speaker Natalie Mehra, Executive Director of the Ontario Health Coalition; as well as Mark Hancock, CUPE National President.

WHERE: Greenwood Inn & Suites, 48 West Street, Corner Brook

WHEN: Monday, May 1 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Some of the issues with P3s that will be discussed include: higher-cost private financing that can double the cost of infrastructure projects; higher user fees and increased access to services; as well as “off-book debts” now that will mean less available funding in future years.