Over 6,600 education support workers across Alberta are on strike. Three more have taken strike votes and are poised to hit the picket lines.
These workers are educational assistants, clerical, custodial, maintenance and other support workers. They are critical to the functioning of schools and to student learning.
Alberta has the lowest per student education funding of any province in Canada. The average support worker makes just $34,500 per year. Many of the workers went a full decade without meaningful wage increases, at a time of 30% inflation. Many work 2-3 jobs, and food bank usage is not uncommon.
Rotating strikes began in mid-November in Fort McMurray, they expanded into Edmonton and area in January, and have expanded further into Calgary and southern Alberta.
After so long on the picket lines, many members are facing hardships. They are determined to win their fight, but it’s a hard struggle.
If your union wishes to make a contribution, the best way is to send donations to “CUPE Alberta” care of this address:
CUPE Alberta Secretary-Treasurer
105 811 Manning Road NE
Calgary, AB T2E 7L4