CUPE Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour have partnered with Fae Johnstone and Queer Momentum to hire a Saskatchewan organizer to build support for 2SLGBTQI+ rights and oppose anti-2SLGBTQI+ laws, policies, and political platforms.

“This partnership is the first of its kind in Canada and will be crucial to support Saskatchewan’s 2SLGBTQI+ community and workers,” said Kent Peterson, president of CUPE Saskatchewan. “Mobilizing voters against hate-based policies, such as Scott Moe’s Bill 137 and his abuse of the notwithstanding clause to suspend the rights of children, will be a top priority for our new organizer.”

Queer Momentum is a non-profit organization that advocates with and for 2SLGBTQI+ people across the country. The organization presses governments and decision-makers to take action on 2SLGBTQI+ human rights, health, safety, and justice.

“This partnership continues a long history of solidarity between labour and queer social justice movements as we work together to build a more free, equal and socially just future,” said Fae Johnstone, Executive Director of Queer Momentum. “I want to thank CUPE Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour for partnering with us to educate, empower, and organize for 2SLGBTQI+ rights and a more free, equal, and socially-just Saskatchewan.”

“As Scott Moe targets transgender students and their families to distract from his failure to deliver for Saskatchewan families, to fix decaying schools, or build an economy that works for everyone, queer activists and labour movements are working together to fight for the Saskatchewan we all deserve,” added Johnstone. “That’s why we are proud of this partnership which will build up queer advocacy and help build a more progressive Saskatchewan.”

The new Saskatchewan organizer has already begun doing advocacy, organizing, and mobilizing across the province. Efforts will be focused on the election in the coming months, but the partnership and work will continue into the future.