Last year, IHSA trainers helped more than 80,000 Ontario workers put their safety first. They audit workplaces, create safety plans, and run industry-best training sessions for construction, electrical, utilities, natural gas, transportation workers and others.
But for the last three years, these workers who spend their days making Ontario a safer, better place to work, have watched as their paycheck shrunk.
Under Bill 124 IHSA workers received just 1 per cent raises while inflation totaled over 13 per cent. That means workers effectively took a 10 per cent pay cut while IHSA saved money and racked up an over $3 million surplus on the backs of workers.
Instead of bargaining a fair new contract that would help these workers keep pace with inflation, management is trying to force cuts on them. Workers can’t afford these cuts. And by pushing them to this point, management is risking a strike, playing with the safety of Ontario workers instead of investing in the people who keep us safe.
Send a message to the Board of Directors. Help the Ontario Compensation Employees Union, a proud member of CUPE, get a fair deal to avert a strike and keep Ontario safe.