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People with developmental disabilities in Guelph, Wellington and Dufferin counties – and the people who support them – need your help
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Community living services in Guelph, Wellington and Dufferin counties are in desperate need of funding. The provincial government put an extra $810 million into developmental services three years ago, but not a penny went into the base budgets of agencies like Community Living Guelph Wellington and Community Living Dufferin. In fact, their base funding has been frozen for the past seven years. In the City of Guelph and the counties of Wellington and Dufferin, community living services are hurting. • There aren’t enough residential spots for people who need support to live independently. • Programs, services, staffing and support hours have all been cut. • Agencies don’t have enough funding to meet their pay equity obligations – even though most community living employees are women. • Sheltered workshops are closing because of recent legislation, with nothing to replace them. Meanwhile, the needs of many people with developmental disabilities are increasing. They have mental and physical health conditions that are increasingly complex. They are ageing and so are the family members who support them. People with developmental disabilities shouldn’t be disadvantaged because of a lack of funding or legislative requirements. That’s why I’m adding my voice to those that are demanding • one-time emergency funding to Community Living Guelph Wellington and Community Living Dufferin to ensure staffing and services are maintained • annual increases to the agencies’ base funding at least at the rate of inflation • a provincial developmental services strategy to eliminate wait lists and provide adequate, safe and accessible community living services. Thanks for standing up for people with developmental disabilities and the people who support them.
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