REVELSTOKE, BC – The union representing municipal workers in Revelstoke is disappointed that the city has rejected its own staff’s recommendation to keep curbside garbage collection public.
At a City Council meeting last night, mayor and council voted against a comprehensive staff report that concluded in-house curbside garbage collection is by far the most affordable. The report considered proposals from three private companies as well as the current in-house service staffed by CUPE members.
According to the staff report, “The cost savings anticipated by contracting out garbage collection services were not realized through the Request for Proposals process. Continuing to provide an in-house service with collection occurring over four eight-hour days is the lowest cost option available.”
CUPE 363 President Chris Selvig expressed surprise at council’s rejection of its own report. “We took this review process very seriously and were open to discussing ways to improve service and adapt to the changing needs of Revelstoke residents,” explained Selvig.
“City staff took a close look at the current service in preparing its report and we were confident Council would choose the best option. In-house curbside garbage collection is clearly the responsible choice – the most economical, responsive and most accountable to taxpayers.”
The union said the vote leaves it unclear what will happen now, but that CUPE 363 will be contacting Revelstoke City Council for assurances that any further review process remains open and accountable.