October is Canadian Library Month. CUPE members working in libraries will be making their presence felt on social networks throughout the month.
Libraries are more than buildings and books. Library workers bring your library to life and provide important services in your community.
Yet libraries are threatened with budget cuts, automatization, and continue to be affected by the transition to a precarious workforce.
To respond to these threats, CUPE invites all locals representing library workers to participate in this visibility campaign for the month of October.
Download your poster below, print it in colour, have your photo taken with the poster, and share on Facebook and Twitter. Accompany your photo with a message about the importance of libraries and the workers who bring them to life. Use the hashtags #CanadianLibraryMonth and #CUPE.
You can also use these posters in your union office and at public events.
CUPE has also produced bookmarks. Contact us to order some.