Following several months of tension, strained labour relations and arduous negotiations, the pressure has finally subsided at the Office municipal d’habitation de Québec (OMHQ) after the parties finally reached a tentative agreement.
Last night, outside and inside workers voted 74 per cent and 89 per cent respectively in favour of the agreement.
The five-year contract includes wage increases of two per cent annually and several other improvements, including a flexible schedule for inside workers and a summer schedule for outside workers.
Improvements were also made with respect to the progression of seniority of temporary employees. Moreover, language on teleworking and progressive retirement were negotiated, and the number of hours allotted to tend to union business has been increased.
“Though negotiations were intense, we are satisfied with the end result. Our solidarity and determination enabled us to achieve our objective to protect the purchasing power of our members and to improve their working conditions,” said CUPE representative Mario Jean.
The outside workers are mainly made up of superintendents, warehouse worker, repair personnel, plumbers and electricians.
Inside workers consist of dispatchers, community organizers, social workers, administrative personnel and building technicians.