As summer draws to a close and Labour Day weekend approaches, we celebrate the long list of collective achievements across our 56-year history, our successes over the past year, and the power and potential of worker solidarity for our future as a union. Since last September, CUPE has continued to grow as a union, bringing in thousands of new, non-unionized workers, while fighting back against government austerity, and continuing our work to build a more inclusive Canada.
In 2019 and beyond, we vow to keep up that fight. Because across Canada, right-wing governments and their regressive policies are taking hold, and they’ve set their sights on everything the labour movement has spent the last few decades fighting for - stronger public services, better jobs, and stronger support for the vulnerable.
Even worse, in the past year, we’ve seen a disturbing spike in the use of racist and divisive rhetoric from right-wing politicians. While the right uses racism to divide working people - to keep us fighting each other instead of fighting them - these toxic words and tactics have a real impact on peoples’ lives.
Today we renew our commitment to leading the fight against right-wing governments and their attacks on working people and recognize that uniting against racism and hatred must be an integral part of our work ahead.
Today we also renew our commitment to protecting the things we’ve achieved, and to fight for more. For good, family-supporting jobs - not more precarious work. For real wage increases that keep up with the cost of living - not endless falling behind. And we think about and send our solidarity to all the workers who are on the line, here in Canada and internationally, fighting for those things.
We also want to take this opportunity to thank every one of our CUPE activists, local leaders, and staff, in every corner of our beautiful country. Workers need their union - and it is your dedication and hard work that makes the difference and ensures they get the support they need.
On behalf of our 680,000 members across Canada, we wish you a very safe and happy Labour Day.
In solidarity,
Mark Hancock
National President
Charles Fleury
National Secretary-Treasurer