Judy Henley CUPE SK Convention 2022Judy Henley, incumbent president, health care worker and member of CUPE 5430 from Melville, Saskatchewan, has been re-elected as the president of CUPE Saskatchewan.

Henley has served as president of CUPE Saskatchewan since 2020 and has been active in CUPE since 1985. In that time, she has served in many leadership roles within CUPE at the local, provincial, and national levels. Driven by a passion for the rights of workers to retire with dignity and her conviction that all workers should have access to good benefits and injury compensation, Judy remains an active member of the CUPE 5430 Pension and Benefits Committee and subcommittees with the employer.

“The last two years have been hard on us all. The pandemic has highlighted the vital role public services play in Saskatchewan and renewed our fight to protect them. I am so proud of the way we’ve come together and I look forward to continuing to lead CUPE Saskatchewan,” said Henley.

Delegates also re-elected secretary-treasurer, Kent Peterson for a two-year term.