Since June 25, when Essex County Library closed all library branches due to the ongoing library workers’ strike, thousands of residents have called, e-mailed, petitioned and put up lawn signs asking their elected officials to ‘Open our Libraries.’
These elected officials continue to ignore their constituents. They have been providing ‘lip service’ rather than finding real solutions to make library services available again to our community.
Libraries are our community hubs where children come to learn and play, and where adults and seniors connect with each other and with the world beyond.
If you agree that your elected officials should be accountable to you and not just follow directives from the County of Essex, then please continue to call your local representatives and tell them to move off their position that caused the strike and do what it takes to ‘Open our Libraries.’
Call your elected representatives, listed below, and:
- Ask them why they are forcing library workers to accept a plan that will not save any money and cost more to administer.
- Tell them to move off their sick time position that a neutral third party arbitrator has already rejected.
- Remind them they were elected to represent your interests and tell them to resolve this strike and open our libraries.
Essex County CounciL
Richard Meloche, Library Board Chair, Deputy Mayor, Town of Essex, 519-982-2776, rmeloche@essex.ca
Bart DiPasquale, Library Board Member, Deputy Mayor, Town of Amherstburg, 519-791-2636, bdipasquale@amherstburg.ca
Ken Antaya, Library Board Member, Deputy Warden, Mayor, Town of LaSalle, 519-563-8883, kantaya@town.lasalle.on.ca
Nelson Santos, Library Board Member, Mayor, Town of Kingsville, 519-796-5259, nsantos@kingsville.ca
Tom Bain, Warden, Mayor, Town of Lakeshore, 519-567-9812, tbain@lakeshore.ca
Ron McDermott, Mayor, Town of Essex, 519-791-3561, rmcdermott@essex.ca
Gary McNamara, Mayor, Town of Tecumesh, 519-735-6654, gmcnamara@tecumesh.ca
John Patterson, Mayor, Municipality of Leamington, 519-324-8334, mayor@leamington.ca
Joe Bachetti, Deputy Mayor, Town of Tecumesh, 519-990-2981, jbachetti@tecumesh.ca
Gord Queen, Deputy Mayor, Town of Kingsville, 519-733-4241, gordon.queen@gmail.com
Marc A. Bondy, Deputy Mayor, Town of Lasalle, 519-734-8029, mbondy@town.lasalle.on.ca
Al Fazio, Deputy Mayor, Town of Lakeshore, 519-567-9958, afazio@lakeshore.ca