truck being driven into picketersOn Tuesday, October 17, Prince Albert Mayor, Greg Dionne drove through the picket line striking at least two members who were picketing outside of city hall.  

“Mayor Dionne’s actions are creating a challenging relationship with city workers,” said Mira Lewis, CUPE representative. “We are saddened and disappointed that Mayor Dionne felt the need to push through the picket line regardless of the safety of city workers in front of him. His actions further erode the relationship and clearly illustrates a lack of respect.”

Earlier this week, CUPE sent a delegation to city council to implore the city to treat workers with respect, and to work on improving morale and relationships. Two days later, the city posted the personal cell phone number of regional director, Ann Iwanchuk and directed the public to send complaints to her.

This employer continues to show a complete disregard for the human impact of their behaviour. Our members have faced months of verbal threats, bullying, and mean-spirited actions from the employer.

We are in conversation with the impacted members about next steps. The incident has been reported to the police, and we will cooperate fully with the process as it unfolds.

“This job action will end, and we will all have to go back to work together. We hope that Mayor Dionne apologizes for his actions and thinks about the tone he is setting for labour relations,” said Cara Stelmaschuk, vice-president, CUPE 882.

The union commenced job action on August 10, with a full withdrawal of services starting on September 11. The full withdrawal of services has impacted service levels at City Hall, EA Rawlinson Centre for the Arts, Frank Dunn Pool, Alfred Jenkins Field House, and the Art Hauser Centre.