Philippe Gagnon | CUPE Communications
RCMP telecom operators and intercept monitor analysts have voted to join CUPE, according to the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FSLREB).The new bargaining unit includes close to 1,300 members.
“Our 650,000 members across the country warmly welcome the RCMP telecom operators and intercept monitor analysts into the CUPE family. Congratulations! You worked very hard to create your own union, and CUPE will proudly continue to defend your interests,” said CUPE’s National President Mark Hancock. “As soon as your local is set up and the bargaining preparations completed, we will go to the table, and fight to improve your working conditions with the full strength of CUPE behind you.
“As CUPE members, you will have access to all the resources necessary to meet your employer on equal terms,” added CUPE’s National Secretary Treasurer Charles Fleury. “Working together with you, we will succeed in negotiating the fair deal you deserve.”
In January 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that legislation barring regular and civilian RCMP members from forming a union was unconstitutional, infringing on their right to freedom of association. CUPE’s successful organizing drive started in the fall of 2016.