Pierre Ducasse | CUPE Staff

A well-designed logo serves more than one purpose. It is not only a recognizable emblem to identify an organization, but it should also, ideally, convey that organization’s values. A logo plays a pivotal role in shaping and reinforcing an organization’s brand identity, fostering a sense of belonging and unity.

Here are the different logos CUPE has used over the last 60 years.

CUPE’s first logo

This logo was used for seven years, following our founding convention in 1963. It shows two hands clasping and the maple leaf.

CUPE's first logo

Our longest-lasting logo

This logo, known for its arrow, was used for 30 years, from 1969 until 1999. It was introduced to members in the October 1969 edition of the CUPE Journal:

“CUPE has adopted a new insignia. The new crest is a square within a circle. The arrow and circle symbolize the progress and motion of CUPE. The square within the circle is symbolic of the fact that CUPE is an entirely Canadian union and all its members fall within the Canadian border. The initials are perfectly balanced to symbolize the equal status with which both languages are regarded by CUPE.”

CUPE's longest lasting logo

The forgotten logo

While probably not an official CUPE logo, this one was frequently used in CUPE publications, and on pins and posters, between 1977 and 1982. It aimed to give more prominence to the union’s name. Note the presence of a minimalist arrow on the right.

CUPE's forgotten logo

A new logo for a new millennium

In 2000, an entirely new brand identity was developed. A young and vibrant colour, a strong and dynamic design, but the same sense of forward motion and momentum with a solid line of “racing stripes” – the front line – replacing the arrow. This logo was first used at the 1999 National Convention, and it came with the English slogan “On the front line”, and “Au coeur de l’action” in French. This logo was also easily customized for locals.

“A new distinctive logo will help raise our profile, helping the public – and prospective members – see the key role we’re playing in the social, political and economic life of the country – and their community,” explained CUPE’s magazine Organize in June 2000.

CUPE's millenium logo

Simply CUPE

Around 2010, CUPE started to use the logo we have today, without an official slogan, making name recognition a priority. Simple, clear, and effective.

CUPE's current logo