Group of people holding a sign that says on strike CUPE 882 members representing inside workers at the City of Prince Albert have voted 81% in favour of rejecting the tentative agreement.

“We hope this will send a strong message to city council,” said Mira Lewis, CUPE representative. “Your workers are standing united and demanding respect.”

At yesterday’s City Council meeting, Mayor Dionne said that the ball was in our court and that if we voted “No” it would mean going back to the table. “We hope that administration takes this to heart and immediately returns to the bargaining table prepared to offer a meaningful deal,” added Lewis.

The union’s bargaining committee will be reaching out to the city and Kristin Anderson, Executive Director of Labour Relations to set bargaining dates.

We thank the public for their ongoing support. We want to underscore our desire to settle this quickly. We encourage residents that are concerned about this lengthy job action to contact City Council to demand they treat their workers with respect and come back to the table prepared to negotiate in good faith.

The union commenced job action on August 10, with a full withdrawal of services starting on September 11. The full withdrawal of services has impacted service levels at City Hall, EA Rawlinson Centre for the Arts, Frank Dunn Pool, Alfred Jenkins Field House, and the Art Hauser Centre.