Convention LobbyConvention plenaries begin tomorrow morning, and we’re looking forward to seeing you all there.

We know that many of you have already participated in sector council meetings, caucuses, and our delegate orientations – but for anyone who hasn’t yet had a chance, we strongly encourage you to log in and become familiar with the virtual convention hall.

All delegates, alternates and observers should have already received their credentials with login information by email – if you haven’t received yours, please contact as soon as possible.

What you’ll find

When you first log in to the convention platform, you will be in a virtual lobby, with a number of choices for where to go. You can always go back to the lobby by choosing the “Lobby” option in the left-hand menu. From the lobby, you can bring up the convention video feed by clicking on “Convention Floor.”

By choosing “Convention Documents,” you will find everything which would have been in your convention kit. This includes the constitutional amendments and resolutions booklet, CUPE’s anti-racism strategy, the proceedings of the previous convention, and reports from CUPE’s departments, committees and working groups.

By choosing “Agenda,” you will find a list of all the events happening each day. For events outside the main plenary, such as caucuses, you can click on the event name to find the link to participate. Times in the agenda are shown in your time zone.

From the lobby you can also learn more about the speakers we will be hearing from this week, and visit virtual booths for exhibitors in the CUPE Village. If you are having trouble finding anything, you can open the “how to video,” which will give you a more detailed overview of the convention platform. And for any technical problems, you can easily contact technical support.

If you have questions about convention aside from technical support, please get in touch with us at