Quality Child Care​CUPE members know that a child care plan is the best next step for Canadians. We’re surprised that some academics are questioning the importance of child care, without offering credible evidence to back their criticisms.

The media are now rehashing an update of a previously published report on the value of Quebec’s ground-breaking child care program. This information has already been critiqued by three respected academics who conclude:

When we focus on the large body of accumulated research over the past 30 years we see very strong support for the positive effects of quality child care on children and their families. The National Bureau of Economic Research study, however, contributes much confusion and mischief at a time when our country is in desperate need for clarity and substance to guide our discussions on child and family policy.

Here’s the bottom line: Tom Mulcair and the NDP are promising the most funding for child care and have a plan for affordability, availability and quality.