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Every effort has been made to keep these forms to a minimum and, at the same time, provide the information that is necessary to audit the books at the conclusion of each strike. It is also to provide full information on strike costs to everyone who pays into the National Strike Fund.

Form A, entitled NOTICE OF STRIKE MANDATE, is to be completed by the Representative immediately after the strike vote has been taken, and to be co-signed by the President of the local union. Form A must be completed to meet the requirements of Article 3.4 and forwarded to the National Secretary-Treasurer along with the Representative’s report required under Article 3.2.

Form B, entitled NOTIFICATION OF STRIKE COMMENCEMENT, is to be completed by the Representative immediately after the strike commences, and forwarded to the National Secretary-Treasurer.

Form C, entitled STRIKE PAY ESTIMATE – FIRST WEEK, must be completed in full and forwarded to the National Secretary-Treasurer on the tenth day of strike. Form C will generate an advance sufficient to cover the first week’s strike pay from the National Strike Fund. It must be signed by both the Chairperson of the Strike Benefits Committee and the Representative.

Form D, entitled STRIKE FUND REPORT NO. ______, is to be completed seven (7) days following the submission of Form C and every subsequent seven-day period, or fraction thereof if the strike is terminated, and forwarded to the National Secretary-Treasurer. These forms are to be numbered consecutively and will generate sufficient funds to replace the strike pay paid out during the previous seven-day period. Form D must be signed by both the Chairperson of the Strike Benefits Committee and the Representative.

NOTE: Forms E, F and G are to be kept in the possession of the Chairperson of the Strike Benefits Committee and forwarded along with Form J to the National Secretary-Treasurer upon termination of the strike.

Form E, entitled STRIKE PAY APPLICATION, must be completed and signed by each striking member and submitted to the Chairperson of the Strike Benefits Committee.

Form F, entitled PICKET CAPTAIN’S OR EDUCATION CHAIRPERSON’S DAILY REPORT, is to be prepared daily by all picket captains and education chairpersons. This form will enable the Strike Benefits Committee to prepare Form G.

Form G, entitled STRIKE DUTY REPORT AND CHEQUE DISTRIBUTION, is to provide a record of payments issued to striking members, as well as signatures certifying cheques were received. A Form G must be kept for each seven-day period for which National Strike Fund benefits are received.

Form H, entitled STRIKE TERMINATED (OR AVERTED), must be completed by the Representative immediately after the members vote to return to work, and forwarded to the National Secretary-Treasurer. Upon receipt of Form H and any overpayment of National Strike Fund monies, dispensation of per capita tax requested in accordance with the CUPE Constitution will be granted.

Form J entitled FINAL REPORT OF STRIKE, must be completed in its entirety to give a clear financial report of the local’s finances during the full period of the strike. Form J must be completed by the local union trustees, verified and signed by the Representative, and forwarded to the National Secretary-Treasurer along with Forms E, F and G within ten weeks of the conclusion of the strike.