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CUPEs workload guideline, Enough overwork: taking action on workload, is part of our unions initiative to tackle overwork. CUPE members can use this tool to help identify and solve overwork problems as health and safety hazards.

Written to fuel progressive change on overwork, the guideline gives members and locals the arguments they need to bring workload issues to the table at joint health and safety committee meetings, one of the key strategies advised by the National Health and Safety Branch.

The document includes background information on overwork that outlines the problem, its causes, whos affected and the hazards of overwork. There are also practical actions, solutions and strategies to eliminate overwork and its health and safety hazards. Tools include an overwork questionnaire and overwork reporting form.

This comprehensive guideline is largely based on the ideas developed by members who attended CUPEs 8th National Health and Safety Conference, specifically those members who participated in the workshop Enough overwork: taking action on workload.