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Having included a summary of findings as part of the introduction to this opinion, we will not repeat the exercise here. We conclude, therefore, by simply repeating the point that our assessment of this proposed GVRD undertaking is far from complete. Not only have we not touched on several important aspects of the NAFTA and WTO that are relevant to this project, but even our consideration of NAFTA investment and WTO services disciplines is necessarily preliminary, in the absence of more details about the Seymour project.

Nevertheless, we trust that this assessment has achieved three objectives. The first is to reveal the considerable constraints that Canadas international trade commitments now impose on public policy, programmatic and legal options available to all levels of government concerning the delivery and regulation of water services. The second is to expose the onerous nature of the consequences of failing to scrupulously observe these disciplines, and in particular the vulnerability of such measures to foreign investor damage claims. Finally, we believe that this assessment makes clear the considerable additional risks associated with proceeding with the Seymour project in partnership with the private sector, rather than preserving the intact integrity of water supply as a public service delivered by public institutions, and on a purely not-for-profit basis.